Rojo Moncayo

It is a highly compacted, reddish-shaded sandstone sometimes with some grey zones. Its value derived from several technological studies have shown a high suitability for pavements and coatings.

Abujardado Fino
Fine Hammered
Abujardado Rústico
Rustic Hammered


Technical caracteristics:

Absorption. UNE-EN 13755:2002
Open porosity. UNE-EN 13755: 2002
Determination of the bulk density. UNE-EN 1936:2007
2420 Kg/m3
Resistant to bending. UNE-EN 12372:2007
10,5 MPa
Resistant to bending after freezing. UNE-EN 12372- 12371
10,6 MPa
Resistant to compression. UNE-EN 1926:2007
131 MPa
Resistant to compression after freezing. UNE-EN 1926-12371
145 MPa
Resistant to slippage without polishing. UNE-EN 14231: 2004
Resistant to erosion provoked by abrasion. UNE-EN 14157: 2005
Determination of the resistance during salts' cristallization UNE-EN 12370:1999
Petrography study UNE-EN 12407:2001
Grauvaca Feldespática

Reference works with "Rojo Moncayo"



Nicoles cruzados Nicoles paralelos
Crossed Parallel

Petrographically, the sample is described as a sand, classified like Feldspathic Grauvaca (Pettijohn, 1987), of grain-supported texture. The grain-supported skeleton is made of monocrystalline quartz (54%), partially altered feldspars (4%) and fragmented lithic mainly transformed into secondary filosilicated matrix (17%). Iron oxides (5%), muscovites (4%) and biotites are also identified (2%).

The cement is siliceous (4%) of sintaxial type. Overall, it is a stone with not much porosity (1%) and with little discontinuities. Primary matrix 10% is filosilicated and includes in part the iron oxides.

The quartz clastos’ morphology is subangular with a low sphericity and an average size of 0.18 mm, whereas the feldspars’ clastos are subrounded with an average size of 0.13 mm. The selection is good 1,2-1,4. The contacts are predominantly precise.




Cantera Rojo Moncayo Cantera Rojo Moncayo
Quarry Red  Moncayo  Quarry Red Moncayo
Geographically, the Rojo Moncayo quarry is situated in Jarque del Moncayo's municipality, in Moncayo's Sierra. Geologically, the exploited materials is located in the Iberian Mountain range's central sector. They are fitted in Buntsandstein facies and are in the Triásico inferior's age. 
The " Buntsandstein" facies’ formation is constituted by red sandstones of fluvial origin that have a power superior to the hundred meters and that was deposited in arid climate conditions. The main characteristic of this unit is its reddish colour which represents a secondary or diagenetic origin. This colour is due to the transformation in hematite of oxides and iron hydroxides contained in the original sediment during the diagenetic processes that allow sediment to be transformed into rock.
The exploited sandstones in Jarque of Moncayo are of medium grain and appear in banks of variable power, that can be massive or can present crossed stratification and/or parallel lamination, separated by argillaceous sections.



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