Beige Pirineo

The Beige Pirineo stone is a uniform-grain sandstone (litoarenita). Like the Azul Pirineo variety, it is highly suitable for pavements and coatings due to its anti-slip characteristics, its low absorption coefficient, and its low abrasive wear.


Abujardado Fino
Fine Hammered
Abujardado Rústico
Rustic Hammered


Envejecido Beige Pirineo
Pulido Beige Pirineo
Flameado rústico Beige Pirineo


Technical caracteristics:

Absorption. UNE-EN 13755:2002
Open porosity. UNE-EN 13755: 2002
Determination of the bulk density. UNE-EN 1936:2007
2629,0 Kg/m3
Determination of the water absorption coefficient through capilarity UNE-EN
1,28 gr/m2s0,5
1,19 gr/m2s0,5
Resistant to bending. UNE-EN 12372:2007
17,6 MPa
Resistant to bending after freezing. UNE-EN 12372- 12371
17,4 MPa
Resistant to compression. UNE-EN 1926:2007
152,4 MPa
Resistant to compression after freezing. UNE-EN 1926-12371
130,2 MPa
Resistant to slippage without polishing. UNE-EN 14231: 2004
Resistant to erosion provoked by abrasion. UNE-EN 14157: 2005
Determination of the breaking load for anchors UNE-EN 13364: 2002
Determination of the resistance during the aging process provoked by thermal shock UNE-EN 14066:2003 after 20 cycles volume loss
Determination of the resistance during the aging process provoked by thermal shock UNE-EN 14066:2003 after 20 cycles reduction of an elastic module
Determination of the resistance during salts' cristallization UNE-EN 12370:1999
Petrography study UNE-EN 12407:2001

Reference works with "Beige Pirineo"



Nicoles cruzados Nicoles paralelos
crossed parallel

Grain-supported textured and without matrix sandstone which has very fine grain (grains’ average diameter is 100μm). The detrital particles correspond to stone fragments (63.6%, of which: 37.8% are calcitic; 12.6% are dolomitic; 12.8% are quartzitic and limolitic; <1% are silexitic), angulated quartz (29,3%), opaque and ferruginous particles (5,0%), potassium feldspar (1.7%) and in accessory proportions, muscovite, rutile, tourmaline and glauconite. The porosity can't be appreciated.




Cantera Beige Cantera Beige Pirineo
Quarry Beige Pirineo quarry Beige Pirineo 
Geographycally, the Pyrenean Beige rock quarry is located in Alastuey municipality, in the Aragonese Pyrenees. Geologically, the exploited  materials correspond to the Tertiary formations of the South-Pyrenean Zone and more concretely in the Average Depression. 
The exploited materials were originated with the change in the stress regime that took place from the superior Cretaceous and caused by the African, Iberian and European plates’ convergence which manifested itself in the Pyrenees during the foreland basins’ genesis from the inferior Eocene. The exploited materials belong to the Campodarbe formation of the superior Eocene (Biarritzense). It is a continental tertiary formation, of fluvial type, that forms part of a superior order’s unit, the Guarga's sinclinory. This is constituted by an alternation of sandstones and fluvial lutites. 
These are levels of sandstone up to two meters of power, that are transported to OLNASA’s quarry in Uncastillo for their transformation and commercialization.


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