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- Arenisca Uncastillo
Arenisca Uncastillo
Gold-shaded sandstone, which main characteristics are its beauty and its durability. This material is used for coatings as well as paving, even though its specifications and its workability make it highly suitable for restoring and decorating applications.
Absorption. UNE-EN 13755:2002
Open porosity. UNE-EN 13755: 2002
Determination of the bulk density. UNE-EN 1936:2007
2158,2 Kg/m3
Determination of the water absorption coefficient through capilarity UNE-EN
255,56 gr/m2s0,5
224,84 gr/m2s0,5
Resistant to bending. UNE-EN 12372:2007
5 MPa
Resistant to bending after freezing. UNE-EN 12372- 12371
4,7 MPa
Resistant to compression. UNE-EN 1926:2007
46,7 MPa
Resistant to compression after freezing. UNE-EN 1926-12371
44,6 MPa
Resistant to slippage without polishing. UNE-EN 14231: 2004
Resistant to erosion provoked by abrasion. UNE-EN 14157: 2005
Determination of the breaking load for anchors UNE-EN 13364: 2002
Determination of the resistance during the aging process provoked by thermal shock UNE-EN 14066:2003 after 20 cycles volume loss
Determination of the resistance during the aging process provoked by thermal shock UNE-EN 14066:2003 after 20 cycles reduction of an elastic module
Petrography study UNE-EN 12407:2001
Geographically, the Uncastillo rock quarry is located in the Uncastillo’s municipality, in the province of Saragossa.
Geologically, this material belongs to the Uncastillo formation which is the time of: Miocene inferior (Aquitaniense-Burdigaliense), (Puigdefábregas, 1975) equivalent to the Sariñena formation (Quirantes, 1978), located in the north of the Ebro’s Depression and in contact with the Outer Mountain ranges. The Uncastillo’s sanstone is a detrital sedimentary rock formed by the accumulation of fluvial currents’ depositions. This form of accumulation of the sediment allows layers that can be parallel or intercrossed, with certain variability in the grain size and the composition based on the river energy, to form. Thanks to the compaction’s process of these sediments and cementation’s process by chemical precipitation in the interstices, the stone acquires its characteristics of hardness and cohesion.
The subhorizontal disposition of the Uncastillo’s sanstones layers allows OLNASA to do simple mechanical extraction, without the need of realizing great material's dismantling, which implies a low environmental and visual impact of the quarries.